
„YouTube’s format produces a symbiotic relationship between producer and fan community, more intensely than radio, grounded as it is in the immediacy and intimacy of social media. You follow your favorite celeb in all their personal spaces; you get their thoughts and feelings up to the minute. The YouTuber seems more like a friend, a real presence in your life. […] When people attack them, as ‚outsiders‘ and the media do during a scandal, those people become an enemy, it becomes a political conflict rather than an entertainment scandal.“ (Like and Subscribe)

YouTuber:innen geben keine Pressekonferenzen zu politischen Konflikten, sie kommunizieren in Statements und Reaktion. Zu Hause, auf ihrem Kanal, wo sie zumindest das Gefühl von Kontrolle über die Affekte und Emotionen haben, mit denen sie aus den Thumbnails herauszustechen versuchen.